Opera Under the Stars
Our most popular series! Performed in parks around Minneapolis and the surrounding suburbs, these free shows are built to feature sections of popular operas and musicals. Along with our fantastic guest artists, we will put on a show with great energy and spectacular singing with the backdrop of a beautiful Minnesota summer evening.
This is a show for those who are looking for a good story. Each Storyteller show is handcrafted by the Overdressed Duo themselves! All the best music is retained, but the story is stripped down to a quartet of singers and a narrator to lead you through the plot. Storyteller is a wonderful way to experience opera without the price tag or etiquette of a formal opera house. These shows are also performed in public parks, are free to attend, and are great for kids!
Simply Overdressed
A revamped version of our original Tiny Lawn, the series that started it all. Simply Overdressed is a show with just the original duo. Still in our casual park setting, we are expanding this concert to a hour and a half. It retains the same great mix of music you love from the Duo, but adds a thematic element that will be unique to each show. Audiences have requested that we share more of our deep knowledge of music so each Simply Overdressed will also now include a "Nerd Corner" moment where Elizabeth and Carole will be given a short chunk of time to geek out about an aspect of classical music they love. This show is designed to truly let the duo's love of all music shine through.